FREE Explore Talk with Randi
FREE Explore Talk with Randi

Inspiering Experiences to

T R A N S F O R M 
          your   L I F E

Open up to Live Your Best Life With Joyful Purpose, Passion & Spontanity


Randi, Visionary Translating Vision into Reality 

Hold the Vision - Trust the Process
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Welcome to The Bridge2Thrive World

A whole New World of Comfort and Authentic Beauty. We support you Turn Your Life Vision into Reality by providing Change Enthusiasm Tools & Processes. Be empowered to remember how powerful you are. It`s an invitation for you to choose to Embrace Authentic Alignment, Feel Good and Love Your Life. It`s Your Choise!

Ready for an Authentic Wake-Up-Call?



Fasing any storm or challenge right how?  

Be empowered by Randi & The Bridge2Thrive Team

Believe the challenges you face are opportunities for growth. Be proud of you journey. You are the auther of your own story. Open up to shift your focus - or - improve your life in any way you want. Trust your lifes timing turning your life vision into reality.

STOP Living to Work. START Working to Live

Trust in Your Ability to Create a Life You Love  

EXIT to LOVE - Become a LOVE Traveller for Brighter Days 

Believe you are capable to achieve your dreams. Know you are worthy success. Be open to new opportunities that lead to success. Be guided by your intuition and control your destiny. Be filled with energy and vitality. Become confident in your ability to achieve your goals. Be ready to embrace your true potential. Evolve into the best version of yourself.  Choose to believe in yourself. Create positive changes only by being you. See the beauty in yourself, and others.

Through Authentic Alignment your life becomes better and better day by day. Leaning into Authentic Comfort & Unique Beauty.

Make Authenticity Your Secret Weapon  

Discover Thriving High Performance Tools & Solutions

A Lighter Way of Living, Leading and Being in Business - and in the World


Hello, I`m Randi 

I help Leaders in Business & Life who are struggling prioritize work before personal life, align to more Authentic Joyful Success. To lead through any storm, change or transformation with greater ease, and with peace in mind and at heart.  To make a bigger impact in the world through their work. To Embrace a Brand New Purpose Led Leadership Chapter of rejoicing people, planet and profit.

By walking the path, being in three careers, living the challenges - I emerged to teach, counsel and pass on my wisdom. I became wise in love and how into our hearts is a gamechanger. The next "big thing" in life and business leadership, as I see it.

From my heart I created the concept Bridge2Thrive™ and the New Wise Leadership™ System to allow wiser leadership capacity unfold.  In my search for fundamental solutions on fundamental challenges I cracked the Golden Heart Healing & Happiness Code™ to Joyful Energized Hearts. The key to Unlock Innovation and to open up to an Ocean of Opportunities in business and life.

I simply call the journey FROM Stressful Success TO Joyful Success. Relevant for individual leaders of life, leaders of teams and leaders of businesses. Also for YOU who define you as an impact leader , including leader of life at home - for a homelife you love.

#NewBusinessDynamics starts on the top and influence everybody. Also family and friends. However, love starts at an individual level. Be like a mirror of love, radiating love into the world - start with yourself. Loving yourself and your life.

I pushed through all success barriers. Leaning into love and integrity I simplified and rearranged my life. I became strong, truly powerful and authentic happy. That`s my new position - and power in position

New Wise

How to Combine Personal Ease and Joy with Authentic Life Leadership and Business Success

From Stressful Success To Joyful Success!

Nurturing Personal Inner Development Towards Global Sustainable Impact  



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We have never been as worried, stressed and in pain as we are today.

Inside Out is the Solution!
We need internal sustainability to optimize our resources. Discover how EXIT-to-LOVE is  a Sustainable Strategy.

Brand NEW BOOK - Helping you explore "layers of love"

Access YOUR Power of Authenticity NOW

Being, living, leading and doing life and business in a more comfortable way.

Get started today - Explore how

Less stress. Less fear.  Just from the pure power of You Being You. Get started on an more authentic journey of ease & joy. I show you how.

Bridge2Thrive - a Sustainable Choise in Day`s like These

The way we as leaders are reaching a greater level of joy and High Thriving Performance for us and others
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The Idea

Rediscover our true self after years of adapting into what we think was the-way-of-doing things in business and life. Authenticity is the new way to more comfortability. To bee (and express) ourselves in a way it brings higher value, greater joy, results and impacting lives. All lives.

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WHY it matter

Bringing our whole self to life and work becomes how we are reaching a greater level of comfort, joy and performance.

If we want psychological safety at a team level, it starts at an individual level. Becoming more of who we are (authentic) is HOW we energize hearts.

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The Concept

New Wise Leadership help you open up to master the balance and dynamic between the masculine and feminine qualities within you. That shape leadership style, leadership capacity and homelife. New Wise Leadership is the Bridge2Thrive in challenging times.

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Is this you?

  • Are you so committed to getting the results for your company that you are compromising on everything else?
  • Do you want to upleve your leadership capacity for a new life reality you love, secure timeouts or explore personal growth alternatives?
  • Can you feel your health is deteriorating bit by bit, maybe a desire to explore more sustainable career strategies?
  • Do you find your head is taken up with work 90% of the time? Longing for peace of mind?
  • Are you working so hard, and feeling you aren`t achieving anything worthwhile?
  • Are you in transition, open and curious to reinforce life or/and career path?

Stay tuned for our
Authentic Blue Events

Impact On Purpose - Purpose Led Leadership

The New Blue Revolution

A Whole New Water World of Comfort built on Authenticity, Love and Joy

A New Wiser Business World - It`s a Sustainable Choice for People & Planet

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We`re Making a Difference by REJOICING people, planet and profit. Authenticity the Secret Weapon.

Make Authenticity Your Secret Weapon  

Discover Thriving High Performance Tools & Solutions 

A Lighter Way of Living, Leading and Being in Business - and in the World
Start here today
Teaching and training experiences aligned with Sustainable Global Goals
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Inside Out - FROM Inner Growth TO Outher Change

Aligning your inner world with a powerful positive global influence toward sustainibility. Turn emotions to wisdome. Move toward what matters. Accelerate sustainable behaviour for people and planet.  Deepen your self-Dwareness and drive your journey toward global impact. 

Bridge2Thrive Blog

Authenticity as a Leadership skill and quality in business – and fo...

Business Leaders New World of Refreshment and Empowerment – let`s f...

5 Powerful Actions - From Stress and Worry to Joyful Success