15 years in aviation gave air under my wings
A journey of 15 years in aviation from a sales manager in a county in a time without competition, to strategic and commercial management in an industry with tough competition was a unique journey. This journey gave me insight and an overview of the process from vision to operational action. I learned a lot about implementing strategy and interaction, something many companies today struggle with. With the years of aviation and the perspectives I gained, it felt right to use a bird as a personal symbol. This was also reinforced after considering the characteristics of a bird when the winds blow. Strength, flexibility and cheerful interaction to save energy.
My Journey From Student Union President to Leadership Queen:
- Early on in my leadership expedition I have learned to make value-driven choices
- I understood my purpose in life was about develop leadership, inspire for conscious life style and spark changes
- In 2011 I felt inspired to Use my voice
- I felt The Future Key to be about EMBRACE CHANGE WITH MORE ENTHUSIASM
I have always taken responsibility, been brave and early on become a show princess and a natural leader. Autumn storms, long winters and active outdoor leisure in nature made me robust and strong. After many years of leadership challenges, I set out from being an achievement princess to becoming a leadership queen, specializing in change.
The girl from Molde who grew up early among fjords and mountains understood that she had to leave the village to pursue the dream of connecting people and inspiring them.
Since childhood, I was introduced to the outdoors and active leisure. I climbed high mountains and peaks, but wanted to reach even higher. The steeper the climb and the greater the effort, the greater the joy when you reach the top.
As a child, I was curious and determined, and realized early on that I wanted something more. I was the class president, and later also the student union president. Even then, I remember feeling that I needed more alone.
The title list was to grow over the years, and the companies I have worked for are recognized as SAS and IKEA. I never had the career goal of becoming a top manager, but seized the opportunities that presented themselves along the way. It went a long way.
Early in the leadership expedition, I learned to make value-driven choices
The journey from head to heart is said to be the longest there is. My journey took 15 years. I have experienced ups and downs. I have experienced success, but also resistance, emotional trials, grief and loss, and now my heart influences leadership more.
Along the way, I have taken a break, taken the time to really feel and understand. In this way, I have managed to make wise, sustainable choices. As I took the time to search, I discovered new aspects of myself. Aspects I over time could not suppress without affecting my quality of life. In the past, my will created a distance between my emotions. I performed, but no one saw me as who I really was.
Although I love climbing mountains and spending time in western Norwegian nature, I reached a point where living and dealing with constant change and unpredictability became like an extreme sport without a support team. I stopped and learned to take responsibility for my own life, health and leisure. It inspired me to think about more long-term and sustainable choices in several areas. I understood that short-term results and position alone are not enough to experience happiness and meaning in life.
To develop leadership, inspire conscious lifestyle and spark changes.
I am dedicated to living and managing myself and others in a wiser way. I wanted to use more aspects of myself and had bigger visions for my career and my life. I was looking for a place with healthier coexistence with more meaning and happiness. During the expedition, I made new discoveries about wholeness and connections. I gained broader perspectives on the world we live in. Now I live more, in harmony with motivation for learning and growth. I live healthier, in relation to body and soul, but also in relation to friends. I have clearer expectations and wishes for working communities. Well-being has become more important. I am more honest with myself and others. I have become better at balancing my masculine and feminine sides. I have learned a lot from the traditional professional, somewhat unapproachable facade and become a more personal Randi. But yes, I'm still a professional and deliver quality.
Through this exciting personal development journey, I found what I am all about: developing leadership, inspiring a conscious lifestyle and spark change.
Over time, it has also become clearer to me that these areas of work are naturally linked to the upgrading of leadership capacity, people, cultures and structures for a new reality. Can recognize that new approaches to productivity are needed.
Randi Næss - on a mission to create healthier, happier companies and communities characterized by more kindness and better cooperation. A better world built on more peace and love. Where change happens with enthusiasm and success.
Use your voice
The discoveries I have made are too good to keep to myself. I want to help other leaders take advantage of the opportunities for change. That is why I have embarked on an expedition to promote a healthier, happier and more peaceful world. My expedition has given me a rich inner world, where I let my creativity flourish and be innovative for a new reality.
Nobel Peace Prize winners in 2011 inspired me with their call "use your voice". It was as if they were saying it directly to me. That fall, I edited the book "Change Leadership - How to Become a Sustainable Change Leader." I used my voice
The key of the future to embrace change with more enthusiasm
For 25 years I have gained insight, vision and a good understanding of the whole and contexts. For more than 10 years, I have consciously allowed for personal development