Lead2Move - Clarity Talk

Living and leading in times were system, structures and cultures as we know them in business and nature is challenging for everybody.

It`s wise to seek support to get more clarity as a foundation to move forward best way possible. It might be clarity in a leadership situation, business project or on any area at work or in life.

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What do you want clarity about?

  1. Is there a project, situation or topic you want more clarity about? It can be related to work or your private life, it can be relations, your home, career, health – anything.

  2. Is there any heavy emotions, thoughts, beliefs, patters or experiences that keep you feel stuck or that drains your energy?

  3. Just be open to see what is coming in


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How to be ready for a session:

Before we meet I would like to give you a short introduction on how we conduct the session. There also are a few things that is good for you to do before we meet to get the most out of the session.

Channelled Essences as a tool
In the session I will be using a set of empowering affirmations that represents an essences in nature. We will tune into the intelligences that is within us, within nature and universe to support us grow, evolve, move forward and to be more clear.

Trust is key
The work we are doing in the session is based on trust; your trust in me, the tools I´m using and the power available to support you.

Experience – what to expect
What will come up in in the session is what you truly need, and might be something else than you think. We will be connecting to your higher intelligence within you, go beyond your conscious mind and tap in to your unconscious mind. Your conscious mind is communicating with your unconscious mind. Your unconscious mind is connected to the universe, the environment around us. This way we connect with higher intelligences within nature and universe. We will be taping into recourses, wisdom, knowledge, awareness that have the capacity to empower us. This is why these sessions are so powerful. The good news is that there today are new concrete tools available that make it possible to use this intelligence that is a property that belong to all. The power is available for more people and not only for a few who know the secret how to access it. Our human intelligence is one manifestation of the universal dynamics.

Our Vital Life System is so intellectually driven that even in deep sleep all our body functions effectively and effortlessly work without conscious participation.

It`s not me holding the answers on your questions. It`s us co-creating with universe. You do not need to understand this from your head. I will facilitate the space for you. Just show up and trust the process.

You do not necessarily get the clarity you want in the session. It might be you need to process the work we are doing for a few hours or days. The results will show up for you as clarity, or as thoughts/emotions/ideas/sensations as small messages that guides you to greater clarity.

You will probably experience that our session brings up some new perspectives. Please be open, it`s normally very powerful.

You get a recording of our session so you can go back, reflect and learn more if you want.


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Aligned with Global Goals

& Nature and Universal Intelligence

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